Exercises for the legs varicose veins after surgery.

Immediately after surgery, you can start to do simple exercises, while the stomach – twist and bend warmly joints , making movements that mimic Cycling. When you have the opportunity to get out of bed, start walking, is the best way to restore and improve the venous blood circulation. Length of the walk is adjusted in accordance with their feelings, then add gradually.

As soon as there is a feeling of heaviness in the legs and calves, you need to take discumbentes position. If you can raise the foot of the bed, the underlay under the foot cushion – they should not be horizontally. The first 1-1,5 months after the activity, consider the gentle treatment avoid strenuous exercise, but gradually they couple of months to live a normal, ordinary life.

Treatment of joints and nutrition

Let the joints to get stronger and cicatrices orta est, so they do not squallentes feet. The first couple of weeks, only wash your feet with warm water and do not use abrasive sponges or brushes. Closed off for six months, visiting the baths and saunas. If the healing of the stitches began to itch – lubricate them with iodine , it helps to relieve itching and speed healing.

If you are overweight, you need to reset is the extra load on the legs and venous. Follow a special diet where you can drink carrot juice, to promote blood clotting . But cherry, citrus fruits, tomatoes, pomegranates, blood hydration, so be sure to include them in your diet. In the early stages, consultation with the doctor, you can use medicines which thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Surgery quam varices is a complex process that requires preparation and a long recovery.

That recovery period was successful and without complications, it is important to carefully follow the doctor prescribed, stick to a balanced diet and eliminating harmful habits.

Surgery quam or varices phlebectomy is performed in the case that it is impossible conservative treatment. Radical intervention is necessary when the risk of blood clots, severe Superba, trophic ulcers, irreversible vascular changes.

Surgery for varicose veins</1_img>

Surgery quam varices is done under General or local anesthesia in the hospital, takes less than 2.5 hours. A much longer recovery time. About that, how much successfully it will affect the future health of the patient.

With the use of modern and minimally invasive methods (eg. sclerotherapy) hospital treatment is not required. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, 3 hours after the patient can go home.

However, the recovery time needed and if not-traumatica techniques. Care and wrong food can trigger a relapse of the disease.

The rehabilitation period after surgery quam varices is directed at prevention of complications often arise after the procedure.

Unpleasant consequences after surgery quam varices varicose veins are:
  • pain and heaviness in the legs;
  • it quam development of varices and the defeat of new veins;
  • numbness, reduced sensation of the skin;
  • bleeding and suppuration in places the veins removal.

Surgery quam varices, the patient stays in the hospital for 3-5 days. The doctor monitors the patient's condition, if necessary, prescribe pain medications. As a preventive measure apply tenuista hopeful, and decongestant medications.


The rehabilitation period after operations on varices quam patient needed compression stockings : leggings, knee socks or stockings. If swollen feet and choose the product size is impossible, use a wide elastic bandage.

It is applied to the leg at the knee and tightly hug your feet without squeezing them. Ties should be worn throughout the period of rehabilitation, they are changed daily, the wound is treated with chlorhexidine or other disinfectants.

After removal of the quam varices veins require rest, but still keep the not necessarily. The patient can move the legs, rotate, rotary motion stops, bend at the knees.

Such mini-rehabilitation after surgery quam varices improve blood circulation, promote lymph drainage and prevent swelling.

When the patient can get out of bed, it is necessary to increase physical activity. You can walk around the house, do the exercises by raising and lowering the straight or bent leg.

Particularly useful after surgery, when quam varices exercises on the floor:
  • imitation Cycling;
  • raise your knees to your chest;
  • retraction of the abdomen.
Such movements not only improves the blood circulation, but also prevent constipation, which is a dangerous quam varices.

The rehabilitation period special attention should be paid to areas where surgery was performed. The seam is formed 2-3 months, the same amount of time is scar.

Diet rehabilitation after surgery quam varices should be balanced and varied, which excludes products-provocateurs. The first few days after surgery, the patient has to offer is a semi-liquid porridge on the water, the soup vegetabilis; decoction, steam meatballs, white meat poultry, lean fish, vegetable stew. After completion of the rest of the menu can be expanded.

Important! Avoid eating too much. Weight quam varices mistaken, most of the nutritional value of the diet – 2500 calories a day (men with moderate physical activity).

The rehabilitation period after operations on varices quam very important to drink system.
  • the menu includes homemade compotes and fructus bibit rich in vitamin C and potassium;
  • instead, that coffee is better to drink green or herbal tea;
  • you quam served varices has a positive effect on freshly squeezed juices pyropen, cherries, black currants, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit. They enrich the body with vitamins, LASCIVIBUNDUS, promote thinning of blood.

After surgery varices quam from the diet is necessary to remove meals that trigger thrombosis, swelling, and impair blood flow. This category includes a variety of smoked and canned goods, which contain increased amount of salt and preservatives, spicy sauces and spices, meat, fat, solid vegetable fats, for the industry of sweets and soft drinks.

The rehabilitation period after surgery is completely ruled out alcohol, it is recommended to quit Smoking. Ethyl alcohol and nicotine accelerate the deformation of the blood vessels and can cause thrombosis.


The rehabilitation period after operations on varices quam – the ability to pay special attention to their health. Proper diet, good hygiene, moderate exercise, elimination of precipitating factors helps to recover as quickly as possible and to avoid unpleasant complications.